Thursday, February 24, 2022

Maths Games with Playing Cards

Kia ora whānau,

I introduced a new maths game to practise addition and subtraction skills to the class today. Here each player receives five cards. The value corresponds to the card where an ace is 1, a two is 2, and the jack, queen and king can either be 10 or 11, 10 or 12 or 10 or 13 respectively. A card is turned over from the pile and the students race to discard their cards using an addition and/or subtraction equation. For example, if the five of spades is revealed, a player might discard their seven and two (7 – 2 = 5). Players can also discard multiple cards as long as the result of the equation is the same as the card that was turned over. Players that weren't able to discard a card that round have to pick up another card and then the next round begins. A player wins when they have no more cards.

We also continued with our sketching project in the afternoon. 

1 comment:

  1. I really like your art because it looks real. Ysabel room 17
